Want to know How To Get Your Blog Noticed? We got few tricks for you. If you’re a blogger it can be kind of disheartening when you see that the stats for your blog aren’t moving. You’re getting a handful of views everyday but not many folks sticking around. This could be down to the type of content you’re posting or certain things about your blog that are turning visitors off. Let’s talk about some things that could help you get more eyes on your blog, and hopefully some returning visitors.

Check Your Stats
You’ll probably find that there’s certain posts that get a lot more views than others, it’s likely that these posts are ones that are giving some kind of information, like a tutorial, tips, reviews, swatches, recipes that kind of thing.

The important thing that you’re looking for is how people are finding the different types of post. Anything that is being found via searches are good topics to focus on. Most of your traffic in the beginning will probably be coming for organic searches, and that’s the best way to reach new audiences.
Take note of what’s most popular and what people are finding through search engines or social media and start producing more content around those topics. Give the people what they want!
Avoid Oversaturated Content
Writing about how to grow a following on social media is oversaturated and if you invest time in producing that kind of content you might find it’s a bit of an uphill battle to get those views. Chances are you’ll end up on page 76 of the search results and your posts won’t get found.
There’s nothing wrong with producing that kind of content, but don’t make it the focus of your blog because it’s going to be hard to be spotted amongst the crowd.
In each niche you’ll find certain things have been done to death. If you run a makeup blog then you probably don’t need to review the Naked Palette because there’s already a million reviews out there. If you run a recipe blog then you can probably skip an Avocado on Toast recipe.
The easiest way to avoid these oversaturated posts is to do a quick google search and see how many relevant results you get back. If the world and his wife have already written about it focus your effort on something less saturated. It’ll give you more chance of ranking well in search engines if there’s less competition.
Bring Something New To The Table
Let’s say you ignore the above advice and decide to write a post about how to get more social media followers, and someone clicks on it from the search results. Are you offering new information or are you just spouting the same stuff that is already out there 100 times over?

If you’re offering up some fresh new ideas then people are going to be more likely to stick around and read more of your content. If it’s just the same old stuff everyone else is saying there’s not really much incentive for them to stick around on your blog.
Look For A Gap
This is related to the last two points, but sometimes there’ll be a sneaky little gap in the market. A gap is where no one else is really talking about a topic that is being searched for. For example I recently did a post about flat lays, in google trends it was a breakout term and there were very few posts that discussed what exactly a flat lay is, instead they were all the standard 10 tips to take better flay lays (all offering pretty much the same information – naughty!).
Even if the term is something you feel like isn’t going to hugely searched for, that’s not a big deal because chances are it is still getting some searches. If you’re one of the only people talking about that topic then whoever does search for it is going to be coming to your blog because there’s nowhere else to get that information.
These gaps can really help you get those views so it’s something you want to be keeping your eye out for.
Cross Promoting Posts
We all know that we should be posting on social media about your blog posts, but another way to get people to stick around more on your blog and read more of your posts is to cross promote them within the blog posts themselves. Basically, when you write a post, try and think of other relevant posts on your blog that you could link within the text. This way people that are interested in the topic you are talking about can find more information about that topic, and they might just click through to give it a read.
This can be really helpful for any content you make that’s “oversaturated”. You might not rank high in the search results for it, but you might still be able to get people to read it by having a well ranking article cross promoting it.
This can go a long way to keeping people on your blog longer and the longer someone stays on your blog, the more chance of them subscribing or becoming a returning visitor.
When you’re cross promoting posts make sure they are relevant to the post that the reader is reading. There’d be little sense in me linking to a post about how to start a youtube channel in this post because it’s not focused on youtube.
You should also make sure that these linked up posts open up in a new tab. You don’t want people clicking and being taken away from the post they are reading, especially if the link is somewhere near the start of the post.
Look for Undersaturated or Trending Topics

This is similar to finding a gap, but sometimes something new will happen in your field and no one has started talking about it. That’s a great time to start getting content about that topic out there. For example Twitch (an online streaming site) is becoming more popular and they launched a Creative streaming section. While there’s tonnes of information out there for game streamers, there’s very little information out there for creative streamers so it’s a perfect time to start producing content around that.
Make Your Content Sharable

Everybody dreams that at some point their content will go viral and they’ll become an overnight sensation and they can pack in the day job and spend the rest of their lives doing what they love. The chances are it’s not going to happen but it doesn’t hurt to make it easy for people to share your content. If you look at the top and bottom of all my posts there’s a nice row of links to make it really easy for people to share it on all kinds of different sites.
Even if you aren’t secretly hoping to go viral, having your content easily shareable can help get more eyes on your blog.
Write Update Posts

Just because you’ve posted about something once doesn’t mean you can’t post about it again. If you wrote a review of a foundation and you’ve continued to use it, write an updated post about it offering more information than the first post. Then, If you did a post about doing a 30 day challenge and you doing it after the 30 days was up, do a post updating people on your progress. If you post about a new photography technique you’ve learnt, then you learn a better way to do it post an updated tutorial. Don’t delete the original posts just add a line to the top of them telling people there’s an updated post and link to it.
Have Amazing Pictures
Everybody’s a photographer these days, you only have to look at other blogs to be blown away by how far photography has come for the layman.
If you’re searching for a recipe you’re probably going to click on the one with the nicest looking picture. If you’re looking for a lipstick swatch then you’ll probably choose the one with the best looking picture. You want your images to stand out, to make people want to click on them, so try and aim to have at least one amazing picture as the header for every post, and then a few more sprinkled throughout.
Pictures are also a great way to break up your content making it much easier to read.
Use Common Sense
The easiest way to come up with useful posts is to think about what kind of content you search for most. If you love makeup you’re probably constantly looking for reviews, swatches and tips, and that’s the kind of content you should probably focus on producing. At the end of the day you’re a consumer as much as a creator so it’s easy to guess what consumers want, it’s what you want.
Produce More Content
The more content you have, the more chances you’ve got of people finding your blog in google search. Obviously quality is better than quantity, it’s no good having a million rubbish posts, but not that many people are going to find your blog when you only have two posts so you really want to work on getting out as much decent content as you can.
Don’t feel like you need to start staying up until 4am everyday to try and write more posts, but be realistic when it comes to how much content is really on your blog, and how much of it is likely to get found through search results.
Make Your Blog Mobile Responsive

Most people read blogs on their phones. I rarely sit at my laptop to read a blog post so having a mobile responsive blog is really important. It also helps a lot with your search engine rankings. If I try and go to a blog and it doesn’t display well on my mobile I’ll normally hit that back button and head over to a different one.
You can see in google analytics what kind of devices people are using to access your blog content, so make sure you are optimising for the most popular screen resolutions.
Don’t Go Crazy With The Pictures
I know I mentioned that having great images is really important, but, don’t go too crazy, if you have 20 images on each post they’re going to take time to load, and if they’re all really similar images then it’s just not worth it. Think about every image you’re putting into a post and whether it’s really earned it’s spot, if you’re doing an outfit post do you really need ten pictures of you posing in the same outfit? Probably not. On the flip side, if you’re doing a recipe and you’ve got ten pictures and each picture is related to a different step of the recipe, well, they’ve earned their place, they’re useful, go for it.
You want to find that balance of having your blog load nice and quick while still looking gorgeous.
Write Decent Titles
I feel like this is where most people try and subtly tell you to write clickbait titles without using the words clickbait. Don’t do it, make your titles to the point and relevant to the post. There’s no point in me calling this “get 5 million subscribers to your blog in a week” because that’s not what’s this post is about. Try and think about what people would be searching for in a search engine to end up on your post and that’s a pretty good place to start with deciding on your title.
You’ve probably already heard the old write your titles for readers not for search engines, but just in case you haven’t, well, now you have. Ideally you want to get some keywords into your title, but they should read naturally. At the end of the day it’s not the search engines that are clicking your posts based on the title, it’s your readers, so write it to appeal to them over and above search engines.
Don’t Focus On All This Too Much
These are all just tips. Don’t suck the life out of your blog by focusing on them too much. You should create the content you want to create, if every single post you write is governed by whether it will rank well in searches or how many people it will bring to your blog then having a blog probably isn’t going to be that much fun for you and that’s what having a blog should be. I love my blog, I love writing for it, and while I try and keep an eye on what kind of content people enjoy the most and what might bring new people to my blog I don’t let that stop me from writing the kind of stuff I want to write.
I hope this was helpful guys, let me know if you’ve got any tips on how to get more people visiting your blog or how to get people to stick around once they’re on it!
Related Links
- Best Blogging Tools You Need To Grow Your Blog
- Stop Writing Generic Content On Your Blog
- How To Write An Amazing About Page For Your Blog
Conclusion : How To Get Your Blog Noticed
Generating traffic for your blog might seem a daunting task but knowing the right method and way you will get the estimated result. Following these basic steps from Checking your stats to Decent Titles will get your blog noticed.