Our Methodology

 Learn how we create content

We Explore. We Test. We Recommend. 

The team at TechTipsWithTea is full of talented, skilled, and experienced individuals who have come together to explore the world of tech. Our methodology is simple. The experts behind the screens evaluate the trends and the happenings in the tech world. We get to the core of the things before presenting them to you, which is why we have niche experts in the team who present their tests, analysis, and experience before our writers jot them down. We will continue to follow the best practices to make our content as accurate and best as possible. 

How We Work

Project Management Timeline

Step 1: Research

Our process starts with the research process. At TechTipsWithTea, we come across various topic ideas –whether we see them online or asked by our readers. The research process goes further to understand the topic thoroughly. This is where the ideation part comes into play. After thoroughly researching the topic online through public forums, user experiences, videos, etc., we move forward to the second step of our process!

Step 2: Testing & Analyzing Phase

When we recommend tools, courses, or tips, we test them before presenting our results and experiments. In phase 2 of our process, we extensively tested everything we found during the ideation phase. The timeline varies from one test to another. Sometimes, we might come up with the tests and results in a day, whereas in some cases, we need days, weeks, and even months. Since our team is divided into different niche experts, social media experts take longer to test than technical experts. Therefore, when you see us helping you with social media algorithms, timings, and pay, know that our team spends weeks and months to come up with the tips & results that we can help you with. 

Step 3: Putting the tests and analysis into words.

We believe in the power of words, which is why we have experienced content writers who take the weight of bringing our core idea to life. The writers spend their time studying the tests and analyses before jotting them down on the paper. Once they are thorough with the information, they present it in the best way possible. Following this, our editors spend additional time making the blog as perfect as possible without missing a single aspect of our initial idea or tweaking our thoughts, tests, or analysis.

Step 4: Content Distribution Across Platforms 

Finally, our ideas turn into words and are presented to you in the form of a blog post that you read on our website. Our SEO team also works hard to make sure our content reaches you. Besides that, we also continue to keep our content updated with the latest information/data, so any time you stumble upon our content, you will find it with the latest information!