72 Key SEO Statistics (2024) – Traffic, Leads & Growth Data

With over 68.7% of all clicks going to the top three organic search results on Google, SEO is important for driving traffic to a website.

Google dominates the search engine market and receives over 8.5 billion queries daily. Hence,  most of the SEO efforts are made to rank on Google.

In this article, I have collected and categorized some of the most crucial SEO statistics about search engines, backlinks, mobile SEO page click-through SEO, and more.

SEO Statistics In 2024 (Top Picks)

  • Over 68.7% of all clicks go to the top three organic search results
  • Google has 90.68% of the search engine market share globally
  • Approximately 8% of search queries are framed as questions
  • Long-form content attracts 77% more backlinks than short-form content
  • Over 57% of search queries are done through mobile devices
  • Around 40.7% of answers to all voice search queries come from a featured snippet
  • E-commerce SEO has an impressive ROI of 1,600% as compared to paid search

Current Search Engine Statistics For 2024

With more than 90% market share, Google dominates search engine platforms. 

Since search engines drive 68% of website traffic, almost every creator focuses on making their website SEO-friendly as per Google’s ranking algorithm.

However, you can also optimize your website to rank on other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo.

1 . Google has 90.68% of the search engine market share globally. (SimilarWeb)

2. Yahoo has 3.23% of the search engine market share, and Microsoft Bing has around 3.17% market share. (SimilarWeb)

3. 15% of Google search queries are unique. (Google Tweet)

4. Around 12.29% of search queries have featured snippets in their search results. (Ahrefs)

5. 68% of internet experiences start with a search engine. (Brightedge Research)

6. Google receives approximately 8.5 billion search queries per day. (Oberlo)

7. The average internet user performs three to four searches every day on search engines. (99Firms)

8. Google has over 26.89% of its users from the United States and 4.59% users from India. (SimilarWeb)

9. Internet users are using search engines 20% more year-over-year (Brightedge Research)

10. Less than 1% of users click on the second page of Google results.  (Backlinko)

Keywords Statistics

Keyword research is an important factor while making content online. Hence, it is necessary for a website to have relevant keywords in order to rank high on search engines.

The incorporation of relevant keywords is responsible for driving organic traffic to your page.

Further, keyword research helps you rank and makes you understand what the users are searching for on the internet.

8% of search queries are in form of questions

11. Approximately 8% of search queries are framed as questions. (Moz)

12. Keywords that are about 10-15 words long receive 1.76 times more clicks than single-word keywords. (Backlinko)

13. Around 95% of keywords get 10 monthly searches or less. (Ahrefs)

14. ‘YouTube,’ ‘Facebook’ and ‘WhatsApp web’ are the most searched keywords on Google (Semrush)

15. About 0.0008% of keywords get more than 100,000 monthly searches. (Ahrefs)

SERP And CTR Statistics

The websites that rank on the search engine result page are considered to be helpful, and the SEO performance of these websites is better than that of others.

With the top results getting more clicks, a website needs to have an excellent SEO profile, and search engines push these websites to the top of the search results.

16. The top three Google search results receive 54.4% of total clicks. (Backlinko)

17. The top position on the first page of Google implies a 39.8% organic click-through rate. (First Page Sage)

18. Organic search is the top traffic source for all websites. (HubSpot)

19. Featured snippets have the highest overall click-through rate at 42.9%. (First Page Sage)

20. The first organic result in Google is 10 times more likely to receive a click than the page in the 10th spot. (Backlinko)

The top three organic search results

21. Over 68.7% of all clicks go to the top three organic search results. (First Page Sage)

22. An average click-through rate of above 3% is considered good for SEO. (Backlinko)

23. Only 5.7% of pages will rank in the top 10 search results within one year of publication. (Ahrefs)

24. The average page in Google’s search engine results from the top 10 is more than 2 years old. (Ahrefs)

25. Click-through rates drop by an average of 32.3% for each position on the first page. (Backlinko)

26. Title tags between 40 and 60 characters have the highest click-through rates.

27. Keywords between 10 and 15 words in length receive 2.62 times more clicks than single-word phrases. (Backlinko)

Backlinks Statistics

Backlinks are the most valuable source for a website to gain authority and improve SEO performance.

Since Backlinks prove that your content is informative and credible, the search engines identify it and help it rank higher in the search results.

Building a strong backlink profile is no easy task, but consistently providing quality content can help you in the long run. However, to get results in a shorter time, many websites also buy backlinks from other, more authoritative websites.

28. The number 1 result in Google has an average of 3.8 times more backlinks than results in numbers 2 to 10. (Backlinko)

29. Around 66.31% of pages don’t have any backlinks. (Ahrefs)

30. Long-form content attracts 77% more backlinks than short-form content. (Backlinko)

31. An average backlink costs around $361.44 (Ahrefs)

32. Almost 50% of people in the SEO industry spend $5,000 to $10,000 per month on link building. (uSerp)

33. About 73.6% of domains have reciprocal links, which means that some of the sites they link to also link to them (Ahrefs)

34. 59% of SEO experts predict that backlinks will have a significant impact on rankings in the next few years (uSerp)

35.  66.5% of links to many websites in the last nine years are dead. (Ahrefs)

36. A Semrush study indicated that 92.3% of the 100 top-ranking domains had at least one backlink. (Semrush)

37. Around 10.6% of all backlinks to the top 110,000 sites are nofollow links. (Ahrefs)

Mobile SEO Statistics

With over 5.44 billion mobile phone users worldwide, a large share of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Hence, a website needs to be well-optimized for a mobile device for an impactful SEO performance.

Since internet users prefer mobile phones more than desktops to search the web, a mobile-friendly UI and mobile-optimized website are essential in ranking websites on search engines.

Search queries are made using mobile devices

38. Over 57% of search queries are done through a mobile device. (Review Trackers)

39. Mobile phones account for 58.99% of total website traffic worldwide. (Statista)

40. Ranking number 1 on mobile gets you 6.74% of the clicks, while ranking number 1 on desktop gets you 8.17%. (SEOClarity)

41. 63% of online searches are done on a mobile device in the United States. (Statista)

42. 51% of smartphone users discovered a new brand or product by searching for their mobile device. (Think With Google)

43. Smartphone users refer to Google Lens to find answers to 8 billion queries every month. (Google)

44. Over 70% of shoppers use their phones for online shopping. (Semrush)

Voice Search SEO Statistics

With the emergence of voice assistant speakers, the number of users utilizing the voice search feature has increased dramatically.

Most of the voice searches are done through mobile devices. Voice search SEO is helpful in increasing the traffic to your website.

The voice search queries are mostly in the form of questions, and it is necessary to optimize your website content accordingly for it to rank in voice search queries.

A featured snippet provides search queries

45. Around 40.7% of answers to all voice search queries come from a featured snippet. (Backlinko)

46. Around 75% of voice search results are among the top three for their relevant searches. (Backlinko)

47. More than 50% of the United States users use voice search every day. (UpCity)

48. Page load speed is crucial in voice search SEO ranking, as the average voice search result page loads in about 4.6 seconds, 52% faster than the average page loading speed. (Backlinko)

49. On average, Google voice search results are written at a readability level similar to ninth-grade proficiency. (Backlinko)

50. The average Domain Rating for a Google Home result is around 76.8. (Backlinko)

Video SEO Statistics

With video content being used extensively for marketing, search engines also prefer videos over text content in search results.

Video content is interactive and provides the most value to viewers as compared to text. Therefore, video content will be promoted widely over the internet in 2024.

51. Videos have a 41% higher click-through rate than plain text results. (Wix)

52. The number of likes, comments, views, and shares strongly impacts YouTube video rankings. (Backlinko)

53. Around 26% of search queries include a video in the results. (Wix)

54. The average length of a first-page ranking YouTube video is 14 minutes and 50 seconds.

55. 68.2% of the first-page videos ranking on YouTube are High-quality videos with higher resolutions. (Backlinko)

Local SEO Statistics

Local SEO helps businesses increase their brand awareness in the local area.

A good online presence on platforms like Google Maps is a must in order to attract customers since most users tend to search online before exploring a local business.

Local SEO helps users find your business and works like a charm to reach a nearby locality’s target audience.

56. About 46% of all Google searches are local (HubSpot)

57. 76% of individuals who use their smartphones to search for anything nearby visit a business within a day. (Think With Google)

58. Yelp ranks in the top five search results for 92% of Google queries, including city and business categories. (FreshChalk)

59. Mobile searches for queries like “store open near me” have grown by over 250% between 2017 and 2019. (Think With Google)

60. Approximately 87% of people used Google Search to find local businesses in 2022. (BrightLocal)

61. Mobile searches for “on-sale” + “near me” have grown by over 250% between 2017 and 2019. (Think With Google)

E-commerce SEO Statistics

E-commerce is one of the most convenient and easiest ways to grow small and large-scale businesses.

For an e-commerce business to shine, an impressive online presence is the way to go.

SEO plays an important part in driving organic traffic to the business and products.

62. Over 23.6% of online searches for buying a product begin on Google. (Impact)

63. Around 43% of e-commerce traffic originates from organic Google search results. (Invesp)

64. E-commerce SEO has an impressive ROI of 1,600% as compared to paid search. (RankTracker)

65. Around 70% of marketers suggest that inbound strategies, like SEO, are more effective than outbound strategies. (DataBox)

66. Over 49% of consumers use Google to search for a new product. (Think With Google)

SEO Industry Statistics

The SEO industry is blooming in 2024, and there are major opportunities for web enthusiasts to implement and offer SEO services.

To capitalize on the market, companies like Ahrefs, Semrush, and Moz provide free and paid SEO tools that beginners and pro SEO professionals use.

67. The SEO industry is projected to be valued at over $218 billion by 2030. (The Business Research Company)

68. The monthly retainer fee for an SEO is between $500 and $1500. (Ahrefs)

69. $75 to $100 is the typical hourly rate of an SEO services professional. (Ahrefs)

70. Small businesses spend around $500 on SEO in the United States (Backlinko)

71. SEO companies charge an average of about $3,200 each month. (Ahrefs)

72. SEO jobs are expected to increase by 22% between the years 2020 and 2030. (Best Accredited Colleges)


SEO is the most crucial factor in increasing the reach on search engines. Adapting best SEO practices helps your content rank better on the internet. Video and voice SEO will play an essential role in 2024.

These were the most influential SEO statistics that matter the most in 2024. 

Check out the below articles for more informative and statistical content related to search engine optimization:

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