YouTube Creator Statistics

YouTube Creator Statistics (2024) « Total Users & Earnings

With over 2 billion monthly active users on YouTube, more than 62 million creators are creating content on the platform in 2024. YouTube is considered the second most popular search engine after Google, and consumers frequently look for product reviews on YouTube rather than company websites. The increasing demand for video content and the rise

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Augmented Reality (AR) Statistics

25+ Augmented Reality (AR) Statistics In 2024

The ability to experience visual and interactive content through AR has attracted more than 110 million people in the United States. There are more than 1.73 billion AR users worldwide. AR is the latest addition for marketers and sellers utilizing it to create interactive and personalized experiences for their consumers. This article will provide the

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Blogging Statistics

68 Blogging Statistics (2024) – Number of Bloggers & Revenue

With over 77% of internet users reading blog posts regularly, it is one of the easiest marketing strategies to apply in 2024. The blogging industry is thriving since over 600 million blogs are active online, and more than 409 million people view blog pages every month. In this article, I’ve compiled the most relevant blogging

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TikTok Content Creator Statistics

TikTok Content Creator Statistics 2024 – Demographics & Data!

With over 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok currently dominates the short-form video industry in 2024. Since over 20% of the global internet users access the platform, there are more than 1.2 million creators on TikTok. Over the years, the platform has experienced exponential global growth and also offers attractive earning ways for content creators.

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ChatGPT Users Statistics

ChatGPT Users Statistics (July 2024) » Now 180M+ Strong!

ChatGPT is a powerful AI-powered chatbot specializing in solving complex problems using an LLM module. Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT amassed a vast user base in very little time. The number of users increased rapidly over the course of the first six months, and the growth has steadied in recent months. This article features some

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Facebook User Statistics

13 Facebook Users Statistics In 2024 (Demographics Data)

Facebook is the oldest and most used social networking platform. The platform has the highest number of monthly and daily active users. The number of users and the influence on social media marketing have made Facebook the first choice of users and marketers.  Due to the high conversion rates, marketers widely use Facebook to run

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